Tuesday, October 03, 2006

What to Pack Workshop

Our “What to Pack” Workshop was great last week. Thanks to everyone who came out!

For those who couldn’t attend I wanted to put together a little blurb to get you up to speed.

First of all, soft sided duffle bags work best. Leave the suitcase for your next vacation. Be creative with your bag. You will see lots of pink bags and finding yours in a sea of pink is not fun!

Once you have the bag, get another….garbage bag that is! Line the inside of your duffle bag with a garbage bag. Trucks get unloaded even in the rain, so be prepared. There’s nothing worse than rain while you walk but then add wet clothes to change in to…yucky!
I suggest packing all your stuff into 2.5 gallon Hefty zipper bags. Why you ask? 1. You can keep each day’s clothes together so there is no digging in the bottom of your bag for stuff. 2. Dryness …again! 3. They work great to put the stinky walking clothes back into after your shower. You have no idea what used walking clothes that have been fermenting for two days smell like! Why risk it?

As far as sleeping accommodations, pool floats work great. This time of year they are usually on clearance so keep your eyes peeled. Plus a hand pump works fine to inflate them. But a battery powered pump would be easier. Just remember…it adds weight to your bag and stress to our Gear and Tent Crew. Please be kind…35ish pounds per bag. A couple pounds over is fine….double the weight limit…nope!!

Also remember, everything must be in your duffle bag. You can not attach anything to your bag…ie sleeping bags, etc. This has happened before where folks have attached their sleeping bags to their duffles with bungee cords. Please avoid doing this. The hard working crew handles every piece of luggage and 9 times out of 10 the bungee cord comes undone and hurts someone.

Use the check list on the 3-Day home page for reference. They have a really great list.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)

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